Some Of My Best Friends Are White
Author: Ndumiso Ngcobo
Genre: Humour/ South African non-fiction
RRP: R220
ISBN/EAN: 9781920137182
RELEASE DATE: August 2007
Some Of My Best Friends Are White is a collection of sharp, satirical essays on contemporary South African issues from the point of view of a successful corporate professional – who just happens to be Zulu. Crossing various controversial, amusing and downright confusing racial divides, the book delivers a healthy dose of black – and white – humour as it explores some of the rainbow nation’s defining characteristics, its many colourful characters and its myriad mysterious idiosyncrasies.
Ndumiso Ngcobo is a creative phenomenon of the new South Africa. A one-time corporate lackey who used to write amusing emails for fun, he decided a change in career was in order, and authored the bestsellers Some Of My Best Friends Are White and Is It Coz I’m Black? before securing a columnist’s gig with the Sunday Times. He is also a radio personality and writes for television.

A hilarious collection of ballsy, in-your-face writing… Ngcobo is PJ O’Rourke with too much melanin and minus the jingoistic tendencies. His humour is effortless as he peppers you, machine gun-style, with the home truths of a township raconteur.”
– Fred Khumalo
“Some Of My Best Friends Are White was so good that I was sorely tempted to slaughter a cow in celebration.”
– David Bullard